I honestly can't believe that I haven't been blogging for more than a year! This could possibly be due to me busy being educated on rocks and soils and the works. I still remember sitting in class watching my old-as-fossil lecturer talking about some trilobites (which are basically ancient cockroaches that died. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel that the cockroaches themselves weren't aware that they were important). Now I am on the fast track to graduate! Yeehaa!
I just got back from a three-week long winter holiday getaway. I went to East Australia, spent all my money, and now I'm ending up eating Maggi for the rest of the bloody month.
The trip was great. Wait. That's an understatement. The trip was super! I haven't seen my girlfriends for ages, and it was good to be back with the old crowd. Hana has a boyfriend now, which made me feel like I was the one stuck in time and she took the express train to Capri. But he was a really nice guy, and I could never be more happy for her. I just hope to God that she doesn't have any 'future' plans yet (we have travelling plans, remember?). Odd has turned into this incredible, gorgeous woman, and it's amazing how just a few years back, we were busy sneaking out of dinner halls and hiding under the beds from wardens. Oh, and need I to remind you about all those late night binging? Sigh, the times where you can eat a tonne of junk food and never gain a pound. Zaza is literally the new hot stuff, the amazing transition from Mr. Macho Man I'm-with-the-guitar-and-a-checkered-shirt to about twenty handbags. Changes, changes.
Sydney was bea-utiful! I especially loved the long ferry rides where you sit outside and watch the city lights at night. It makes you feel like there's a whole world out there. You can either choose to sit back and watch the world rotate or jump in and join the whole chaos. The sea breeze is so nice in your face and the whole city passes you buy. There was a couple who was standing in front of me trying to take pictures of themselves with the Harbour Bridge at the background. Did you know that some people have the nerves to walk along the top of the bridge? I mean, the height of it! I would probably throw up all over the place if I was there.
There was this one time where we ended up by the sea at around 7 that night. The Harbour Bridge was in view, the Opera House was sparkling and the whole city to the left was all lights and tall buildings. We sat on the benches and talked and ate KFC and had drinks. People were passing by doing their own business, and I saw small cafes further up the road. It was full of people and it was lonely at the same time. We were sitting right off the sea and the bridge. Then I realised, this is one of my to-do lists in life! I had this one long list of things that I want to do before I die. Nothing ridiculous, just things that are achievable but I am yet to do. Like bitch slapping someone and getting away with it. Go ice-skating in an open park at night. Learn to play the guitar. At #15 in the list I said 'have coffee by the bridge beside the sea/river at night'. And I did it! I can now tick that one out of the list!
Then we moved to Canberra. It was a nice, small, quiet place, the kind of place where you would certainly consider spending your retired days in when you're old and crumpled. I have this mental image of me, 50 years from now (or more, hopefully!), with a face that looks as if I just ate a whole lemon, and the juices all sucked out of me, walking along the streets where the trees are bare and the green fields empty. Canberra has by far the best variety of restaurants I've seen in Australia. Pancake Parlour was amazing! It has an old pub feel to it, and wooden furnitures and floors and vintage paintings made the place feel warm despite the weather outside that could literally give your nose a frost-bite. Oh, and let's not go to the pancakes. I will only say this; if I am to go on a hiking trip to the Everest, and I'm only allowed to bring one single meal, that would be it! The people in Canberra was so nice as well! The girls were friendly,and here I thought they stopped making nice boys in this world =P.
When I had to leave I wanted to bawl my eyes out so baaad, but my macho-ness got the better of me. Hana and Zaza was there at the bus stop, and as I sat in the bus while they passed by, all I could think of was that here was another goodbye; I do not own any better friends than my boarding school girls. I mean, imagine this. I was going on a skiing trip early that morning and I forgot my shoes. Zaza and Hana both drove back to send them to me at 2 in the morning! Who the hell does that? I was really touched that they went through all the trouble so the lousy-clumsy me could get my shoes.
When I got to Sydney airport Odd came to have lunch with me even when it was for a couple of hours. She came with a cab to have boring sandwiches with me for 2 hours. I love her for that!
So that basically wraps up my whole winter holiday. You know you've had the perfect holiday when
1. Something broke (Zaza's heater leg.Sorry!)
2. Someone falls brutally but escapes with no broken ribs (me down Perisher. Fuzzy.=P)
3. You learn new words (sengkiu!)
4. You find people shorter than you (sorry Hana. I love you really)
5. You find someone cute =)
6. You realise Perth is not alone in the boring-city category
7. You buy something you would never have bought (a magazine just so you get the free notebook)
8. You spent all your money
9. You gain an extra kilo
10. You come back happier than ever!
since it's public now,please let me be the first person to comment! heehee..and the first person to link u up.
owh, plsss do ur HONS in sydney!
im in LOVE with u and ur writings!n finally u go public!dats the best part...nway, glad u had a great time...really, thanks so much for coming!ur just too easy to please..haha!n save up money for melbourne!n add the MILAN trip to your to do list..coz im so in the girlie trip to milan!in fact, im currently learning bout their economy n watnot...but like dats gonna help.. =P
"..The One Where A Wacky Girl Came to Canberra "
Amal :(ə-ˈmäl)
1. A Person who's Wacky; Looney; Funny(funeeeeee..);
2. Loves Oporto.Hates chest hair.
3. Mgm canby's sketch srghipt ghiter..
4. A person who makes good steak.
5. A person who's great to hang out with. Not so great with keeping house keys.
1. " a hungry woman, is a maddd woman.."
2. " what's your BMI?"
3. " zharif.."
4. " ****, the shoes!"
Glad you had a great time in canby.
Nice blog too, it's been a long time since i can picture myself in a story. not many can write like you can =)way to go!
Not so great with keeping house key, i just have to agreeee hahaha..
Ali, she hates chest hair but she loves hair at other parts kan?
clue: 'turn on' hahahahaha
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